I apologize,
but I honestly didn’t know –
I thought it was all
some primordial fairytale
written to mete out
shadow retribution
for some unspeakable
incestuous rape.
I disguised my lust and gluttony
as joie de vivre
and followed them
from every well-intentioned lesson
as I blazed
my pathetically predictable path.
I thought I was gifted
with a vision, but now I see
I was just another
in an unending line of
myopic nonconformists.
I stand now at the foot of your cross
under a bruised purple-black sky
lost in a sea of fetid sinners
a fellowship of miscreants-
these are my true peers.
I see the weight of my sins
bearing down on your thorny crown
I see your human agony
but if you can see me
through the blood dripping
in your eyes
please know,
I’m sorry.