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(The Passion of the Moskowitz)
Published on April 7, 2006 By Buddah Moskowitz In Poetry
They're a different breed
those who can sleep
through the alarm clock
and stumble through the door
drunk and forgetting to bring dinner

they drive their cars
and don't pay the registration
and they stuff parking tickets
in their glove boxes

they don't stress over jobs
if they have them
and they let their dogs
run free

forgetting about bills due
and demanding what they want
merrily bouncing through life
like a pinball

their lives
unpredictable and random

and I envy their ethos
and covet their gifted selfishness

they have children they don't see
and they aren't bothered by it
they'll never know all the ways
they are shirking their responsibilities
because they never cared to
read the rules

I don't begrudge them
their freedom
and I try not to resent them
just because
I learned the rules
and their selfishness
often leaves me
cleaning up after them

because the rules always boil down to
"love and take care of each other"
this is my sacred responsibility

so I try my best
and even though I am Jewish
I remind myself that
I'm not Jesus

as I carry
this cross of responsibility
through a world of people
just waiting for me
with their nails and hammers.

on Apr 07, 2006
nice! I would give my left nut to have your way with words.
on Apr 07, 2006
Thanks for the compliment.
on Apr 07, 2006
2 by Buddah Moskowitz
Friday, April 07, 2006

Thanks for the compliment

you are most welcome and thank you for writing this thought provoking article.
on Apr 07, 2006
Wise and true words, bad thing is, those folks know you're there. In fact, they depend on you to be there.
on Apr 07, 2006
I have enough to deal with my own kaka without carrying everyone elses too. Hard to know what God gave me to carry and what I picked up on my own out of a sense of obligation.
on Apr 07, 2006
#5 by Ms. Mitchell
Friday, April 07, 2006

I have enough to deal with my own kaka without carrying everyone elses too. Hard to know what God gave me to carry and what I picked up on my own out of a sense of obligation.

or what we pick up unknowingly, till it intrudes on our conciousness.
on Apr 07, 2006
The title is thought provoking, as is the entire poem.

The last stanza has a lot of weight to it.
on Apr 07, 2006
or what we pick up unknowingly, till it intrudes on our conciousness.

That too.
on Apr 08, 2006
This was really good.

I believe I have both sides in me. I hope that I am more of a giver than a taker though. I guess in all things there are degrees of everything.

and true words, bad thing is, those folks know you're there. In fact, they depend on you to be there

This is sad but true. I know a lot of these folks.