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Published on August 7, 2007 By Buddah Moskowitz In Poetry
He said
“you told me you Loved me.”

She said
“no, I never said That.
What I meant was
‘I love you.’”

“Yeah, but…”


and then
a swarm of
ellipses and
question marks
hovered over their
latte and scones.

It's not like I'm asking for a kidney! Buy my book!

on Aug 07, 2007
Here's a suggestion for you...if you don't mind....why not put a permanent link on your sidebar to your book, and if possible, a picture of the book, the jacket cover perhaps, with a sample...
on Aug 07, 2007
I really liked this one, mate. It reminds me of a great 3 panel cartoon, where the final panel doesn't have any dialogue but is so obvious we all get it. Well done, again.

and then
a swarm of
ellipses and
question marks
hovered over their
latte and scones.

And you just can't find a spray good enough to stop these pestering you, can you?