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Published on May 12, 2008 By Buddah Moskowitz In Poetry

Marry me today

and bathe this moment

in golden hope


promise that you

cannot live without me

just as my heart

knows this truth

for me


light our unity candle

with your adoring gaze


let us embrace

exchanging whispers

as we sway to a song

that only we hear


and when we’re apart

walk through your day

wistfully aware

that you are incomplete


and meet me

back here at this spot

and speed my pulse

and gladden my soul


just say yes

and forever starts right here


marry me today

and everyday.

on May 12, 2008
marry me today
and everyday.

If it wasn't for you it would have never occured to me that Christian is a verb, and now with this, it occurs to me (again thanks to you) that marriage is like that too -it's a verb. An action word. Something that in reality happens every day.
on May 12, 2008

I'm going to send this to my wife because you've captured beautifully how I feel about our marriage. 

marriage is like that too -it's a verb. An action word. Something that in reality happens every day.

Great point, mate.  Action, for a lot of people, is work they don't want to do.  But it is so worth it.


on May 13, 2008

This is beautiful!  It's definitely worth repeating right before or during a ceremony!

on May 15, 2008

This is beautiful! It's definitely worth repeating right before or during a ceremony!

I agree wholeheartedly. This is very beautiful and a lovely tribute to marriage.