(Note: I begin playing Christmas music on November 12th)
The same songs
come around every season
and something about them is
hopeful, comforting, exciting
this is always the season
I think of with love and tenderness
and I had so many seasons
when I was trying so hard
to find someone
to share my heart and dreams
and I let myself be sold so cheaply
which is why Christmas now
feels so right.
Her love is strong and true
as a forest of Christmas trees
and she can make everything
pretty and sparkly
without benefit of snow
She is the one that
I’ll forever buy Christmas
presents for
and we can have the most
romantic and intimate moments
while in the “Toys R Us”
among the sticky yammering
crowd of children
because I know
we are buying toys
for our children
who we have
made another year
of memories with
and we finally have the house
with the fireplace
so we can have
a private slow dance to
a smooth jazz version of
“O Come All Ye Faithful”
on Christmas Eve
but it doesn’t matter
if it’s by a fireplace
or in a rented motel room
or at the mall
she makes me feel as hopeful and
comforted and excited as
those Christmas songs have done
year in
year out
and I know she’s
the Christmas present of
a lifetime
and when I am with her
and I hear that Christmas music
that’s all this old Jew needs
to know
the glory of Christmas.