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Published on January 19, 2006 By Buddah Moskowitz In Poetry
Same thing happens
every year:

after Thanksgiving
the whole world
seemed to be dressed
in red and green
and snow white with colored lights
with everyone was playing
the same music

and then on
December 26
it all stops

all the laughter
all the music
all the togetherness

and everything just gets
dark and cold
and dull

every January
I go into my post-Christmas funk

I know it's all
an illusion of
this worldwide party
to celebrate the birth of Jesus

In December its easier
to accept my longing
for a larger shared experience

for something special
maybe even a miracle

so as I gather the Christmas
decorations and the cds and
put them back into storage

I wait out January
determined that it won't
get me down

and I look forward

to the anniversary of my sobriety

to my wife's birthday

to Valentine's Day
to February.

on Jan 19, 2006
Wow, this is great, and it's really true. After all of the excitement of Christmas, January just seems to be there, not really for any reason other than to be wintery. I think we all are waiting for February, Valentine's Day, and the start of spring. Very well written.
on Jan 19, 2006
on Jan 20, 2006
Excellent as always. Dude you're too good...
on Jan 20, 2006
for something special
maybe even a miracle

I liked this part best, but the whole thing was so good and so right on.
on Jan 22, 2006

Umm, if you lived in Texas (assuming you don't already), it's not so bad. 

"""""I ain't happy, I' m feelin glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless, but not for long the future is comin' on"""""

~The Gorillaz


Carry sunshine in a bag. 

on Jan 27, 2006
Are you saying he should do cocaine?

Good work, Buddah, as always.
on Jan 30, 2006

Yes, yes I am.


on Jan 30, 2006
I do not endorse the consumption of cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, or any other illicit and /or controlled substance.

I understand it, but I do not endorse it.

Shalom and thanks for your continued readership
on Feb 07, 2006
i thim\nk its sad that you have dont kow what the true maening of christmas
on Feb 11, 2006
I think its sad that you didn't get the meaning of the poem.
on Feb 18, 2006

, it was a joke, crackface...

